Belnet nodigt u graag uit op zijn jaarlijkse Belnet Networking Conference, een niet te missen event voor alle organisaties die op ons onderzoeksnetwerk zijn aangesloten. U mag u verwachten aan een combinatie van internationale en nationale keynote sprekers, inspirerende klantenprojecten en diverse networkingmomenten. Cloud computing, blockchain technology en machine intelligence zijn maar enkele van de vele thema’s die aan bod zullen komen. In de namiddag kunt u deelnemen aan onze interactieve sessies, waarbij u de gelegenheid heeft om experts van Belnet te ontmoeten en met hen en andere deelnemers interessante IT-topics te bespreken. Bovendien sluiten we de conferentie dit jaar af met een speciale animatie die zeker uw aandacht zal trekken. Bekijk hier alvast een video die u een preview geeft van wat u mag verwachten.
Welcome breakfast
Welcome to BNC 2016
Stairway to the Cloud, getting there step-by-step
Research Computing in a time of disruption: Trends, highlights and new ways of innovating
Coffee break
Making the Most of Machine Intelligence
Why is Blockchain here to stay
Grid Computing at the IIHE
Hosting of IT services & private cloud for research and education institutions in DRCongo
Coffee break & interactive sessions
During the coffee break you will have the opportunity to participate to interactives sessions (duration of a session: 15 minutes). You can choose one, maximum two sessions, from the sessions below :
Session A: Real-life use cases with cloud compute service
During this session we will show you how to use the web interface to create and configure a virtual machine manually. In the spirit of DevOps we will also demonstrate how you can use configuration automation tools (e.g. Ansible) to have a fully customized application deployed in 5 minutes.
Session B: Future needs of the Belnet customer
In this session, Belnet will go into an open conversation with it’s customers to discuss emerging, network-related technologies. We are interested in hearing your suggestions and have some of our own :
- The need for higher bandwidth (Are you foreseeing bandwidths greater than 10Gbps in your networks? Are you (thinking about) implementing Quality of Service on your networks?)
- The need for more flexibility (How flexible will your network needs be in the future? What about: Bandwidth-on-Demand, Circuit-on-Demand, Firewall-on-Demand?
- Belnet connectivity (What are the “big spenders” of your bandwidth? Would you foresee higher requirements in connectivity to (cloud)-services like: Office 365 / Azure, Amazon Web Services, Adobe products,...)
Session C: Are you looking for a DDoS Mitigation solution?
More and more customers have experienced a loss of service due to a (Distributed) Denial of Service attack. For these kinds of attacks the question is not If you will be attacked, but When. This is an open Q&A session destined to listen to your needs, experiences but also to advise you on possible solutions What can you do to protect yourself? How would you like to protect yourself? What kind of protection are you looking for?