Workshop MS Azure



Tue, 18/02/2020 - 09:00
Le Plaza Hotel Brussels, Bd Adolphe Max 118-126, 1000 Brussels

Are you interested in Microsoft Cloud solutions and do want to know how they can help your organization?

We invite you to participate in the workshop on Tuesday, February 18th.

The day will begin with an introduction to MS Azure solution and will continue with a hands-on session.

The workshop will be:

  • given in English
  • with technical content
  • limited in number of places - so do not wait to register! 
    Attention: only one person per institution.

Do you have one or more Cloud use case(s) that could be interesting for this session? Do not hesitate to mention them on the registration form (or send us an email at before February 2nd. Microsoft will focus its program on these use cases.

Are you interested in a particular Cloud service? Mention it also on the registration form (or contact us by email at


Welcome of participants & coffee

Introduction to MS Azure Solution and Round Table


Use case followed by a hands-on session

Coffee break

Use case followed by a hands-on session

End of the workshop


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