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Belnet guestroam - Admin FAQ

How can I get the service?
How can visitors access the WI-FI thanks to guestroam?
Who can subscribe to the service?
What processing of personal data is carried out for this service?
What is the Belnet's role?
What does it cost?
How do I cancel the service?

How can I get the service?

If you already use eduroam or govroam within your institution, you can use Belnet guestroam already without sending in a service request. If you are the contact point with Belnet for eduroam or govroam, you can have access to the management interface:

How can visitors access the WI-FI thanks to guestroam?

There are two ways your visitors can gain access to Belnet guestroam:

Visitors fill out the form on

Using the form on your visitors can request access to guestroam in a department within your institution, for a pre-defined period of time.

Visitors must enter their mobile number, email address, and institution into the form, and specify the name of the department they wish to visit. Once this form has been submitted, visitors receive a validation code by email and text message, which they must then validate.

Once this process is complete, the validators for the department in question receive the visitor’s guestroam request for validation. When a request is validated, an email and a text message are sent to the visitor, with the login details they require to connect to govroam/eduroam.

The validator sends login details directly to the visitor

The validator for the department can create login details and send these by email and text message to visitors who have notified you of their upcoming visit. These details may also be printed and given directly to visitors already on site.

Who can subscribe to the service?

Institutions that have already signed up for govroam/eduroam services. These will be public sector and governmental institutions or R&E organizations.

What processing of personal data is carried out for this service?

You can view the details of our Policy for the processing of personal data in connection with Belnet guestroam on this page.

What is Belnet's role?

Belnet provides the Belnet guestroam web interface and acts as the guestroam identity provider.

What does it cost?

Belnet guestroam is totally free.

How do I cancel the service?

You can contact your account manager.



Access to the Belnet guestroam interface

Refer to our policy on the processing of personal data for Belnet guestroam

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