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Céline Vandeputte, HR Officer

Céline Vandeputte , HR Officer

Céline Vandeputte
“The relaxed and casual atmosphere at Belnet is one of the main reasons why I enjoy my job so much. Our colleagues are one big family. I take great satisfaction in recruiting new talent and I am proud to contribute to the growth of our organization”.

At Belnet, we are constantly looking for new talent. Céline Vandeputte, one of our HR staff, is mainly engaged in the search for and recruitment of new colleagues. She'll tell you what her workday looks like.

8am - Get up

I didn't schedule any meetings this morning. I'll take the opportunity to sleep a little longer. Thanks to the flexible working hours this is no problem.

8.40am - By train to Brussels

I take the bike to the station. For this I can count on a bicycle fee from Belnet. On the train to Brussel-Noord I can relax and watch an episode of my favourite Netflix series.

9.20am - Arriving at the office

I arrive at the office and have another cup of coffee to get my working day started.

9.30am - Checking emails

I check my mails and answer the ones I can. The topics are very diverse: an application for a teambuilding activity, a number of CVs we received via the website, the results of a PC test of an ongoing selection procedure, ..

Following a meeting yesterday, I also received feedback from the coordinator of one of our technical units about the job description for a new employee. Belnet is growing fast! He also gave me an update on the written test we'll conduct.

In the meantime, colleagues regularly drop by with questions for myself or my teammates, among other things about our time registration system, train subscription, assessments, training courses, ... .

10.30am - Preparation of a recruitment procedure

Based on the job description and the written test I prepare the procedure thoroughly. I provide the necessary input for the online publication so that our vacancy will be published on the website of the selection agency for the federal administration in a timely manner.

In addition, I take the necessary steps to prepare the automatic diploma screening and the communications to the candidates. This way, they get the right information at every step of the selection procedure. It is important that the procedure follows the legal deadlines.

Finally, I plan the interviews and already block the diaries of the judges.

12.30pm - Lunch

Time for a break. During lunch I catch up with some colleagues.

1pm - Meeting

In addition to recruitment, I also take on a number of other tasks, which provides the necessary variation. Today I'm in the WTCIII building together with all the other services. We get information from the building manager about important changes: for example, the showers downstairs in the building will have a badge system and we are told that the opening hours of the gym at WTCIII will change.

Together with my HR colleagues, I make sure that all the Belnet employees are informed about this.

2pm - Job interview

Within half an hour a candidate will be interviewed for an administrative position at our purchasing department. I'll first brief the jury on the course of the interview.

The interview itself takes about one hour. First I ask the candidate to briefly explain his CV and work experience. Then I test the competences of the candidate via the 'STAR' method (Situation, Task, Action and Result). This gives us insight into how well the candidate masters the generic competencies needed for the job.

After the interview, I'll discuss the answers with the other judges. We then award points for each aspect. Finally, I make sure that all documents are in order for our archiving.

4pm - Preparation to welcome new employee

In 2 weeks we will welcome a new employee in the Networks team. I'm already contacting our internal ICT department to prepare his laptop, and I'm also preparing a copy of our welcome brochure. Then I call my contact at PersoPoint, the secretariat for personnel and payroll administration of the federal government, to check that everything is in order for the payroll administration.

4.55pm - Departure to station

My workday is over. I walk to the Brussel-Noord station. I'll be home in a good half hour.

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