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Belnet guestroam

Belnet guestroam, a secure and wireless temporary connection for your visitors

Belnet guestroam is a solution to provide visitors to your higher education or research institutions a temporary safe and wireless connection to the internet.

guestroam facilitates the reception of your visitors

Would you give visitors to your institution temporary access to your wireless network? Do you want to manage at any time who can access what and when?

During the visit of a supplier in one of your departments, you will be able to give him access to your WI-FI network, during a certain period of time, limited access to the department visited.

guestroam widens access to eduroam and govroam

Belnet guestroam is a service that lets you offer temporary access to your visitors if your organisation uses eduroam or govroam. Previously, access to govroam and eduroam was limited exclusively to people from participating institutions. Now you can open them temporarily to other users.


guestroam, an advantageous service

Belnet guestroam lets you offer your visitors a way to connect without any hassles.


The visitor must validate his access (by email or by sms). The connection is only valid in the institution where it is present


The connection is stable and reliable within the institution that validated the request. It runs on the same infrastructure then govroam or eduroam


The person who is the Belnet point of contact can delegate the access validation aspect to another person of his institution and limit the delegation period

Simple and fast

The visitor fills out an online application form in a few clicks.


The functionality is free for any institution using govroam and eduroam

Did you know?

The new version of Belnet guestroam is now available

In mid-March 2022, we boosted your app so you can better manage your guests and departments/events.

Now, with self-approved requests, there is no need to wait for visit requests to be approved by a validator. Communication with your visitors has also been improved. For example, you can customise the notifications and messages sent to your visitors and validators and notify your visitors 48 hours before their accounts expire.

Lastly, you have better control over the validity period of accreditations. After expiry, visitor accounts will be kept for a maximum of one month so that they can be reactivated if necessary.

Find all these improvements in the "Help" section of the Belnet guestroam platform.

Are you looking for more administrative and technical information? Visit our knowledge base

How do your visitors get access?

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