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Registration and configuration:

How do I register a domain name?   
How do I configure secondary name servers?   
How do I transfer a domain name?

Choose your domain name:

I choose a domain name? 
Which country code extensions should I register? 
Which domain name extensions should you register? 
TLDs or extensions? 
More informations about the service?

Belnet Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

How do I enable the MFA layer to strengthen the security of my authentication processes?



How do I register a domain name?

Registering a domain name can be completed in 5 easy steps.

1. Check if the domain name that you would like to register is still available.

new domain

In the box, input the domain name that you wish to register. Underneath, you can select the extension(s) that you would like to register. You can choose an unlimited amount of extensions for checking.    
Have you filled in all the details and options? If so, click on ‘Search’.

2. Status of the domain name

After looking up your domain name you will see the status. If it is/they are still available, then you can continue with the registration process.

domain available

Tick the domain name or domain names that you want to register and click on ‘Add to Cart’.

3. Services

In this step, you will receive a summary of the services that are free with the domain name. Press 'Click to Continue' to proceed with the registration process.


4. Shopping cart

In the shopping cart, you will see an overview of the domain name or domain names with the extension(s) that you would like to register. The registration costs with VAT are also given.    


Do you want to add another domain name to your shopping cart? Click on 'Register more domain names’. First, you will need to check if the domain name is still available. Afterwards, you can add the domain name to your shopping cart. Have you added an extra domain name to your shopping cart? An update will be visible on the payment page. Click on 'Checkout' to complete the registration process.

5. Details

Before that your domain name is ready for use, you will first need to input your contact details. It is important that they are up-to-date and that all fields are filled in.    
At the top of the page, you will see own details. Is the domain holder (registrant) somebody else? Then click on the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page and select the correct owner.    


You can also add a new contact. Choose from the bottom of the list ‘Add New Contact…’ and fill in the details of the domain holder.

new contact

When the details of the domain holder are filled in, click on ‘Complete Order’. Your domain name will be registered within a few minutes.


How do I configure secondary name servers?

For most domain name TLD extensions, at least 2 name servers are required. If you would like to provide your own DNS servers, but only have a single server available, you can leverage Belnet resources as secondary name servers.

You can configure this using the website.

  1. Log on with your Belnet Personal login
  2. Go to "My Domains".
  3. Select "Name servers".
  4. Activate "Secondary Name Servers"
  5. Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address and host name for your primary name server.
  6. Select "Save Changes"

Please note: to complete activation, you will have to allow zone transfers to your primary name server from our name servers:

  • / 2001:6a8:3c80::14
  • / 2001:6a8:3c80:c000::40
  • / 2001:610:188:441:145:0:7:163 (hosted by SurfNet in the Netherlands)

After configuring the secondary name servers, you should be able to verify if the records are being synchronized after a few minutes. To do this, go to the "Advanced" tab for your domain. This will allow you to see (but not edit) the entries stored in the secondary name server. Changes must be made on your primary name server.


How do I transfer a domain name?

1. Check the domain name

Before you can start the transfer of a domain name, it is best that you check if the e-mail address of the domain name holder is still correct. The transfer code that is required to authorize the transfer will be sent to that e-mail address.    
In addition, the transfer lock on the domain name must to be disabled. An enabled transfer lock blocks the transfer of a domain name.    
The e-mail address and transfer status can be checked by looking up the domain name via a WHOIS search.

2. Initiate the transfer

Input the domain name or domain names that you would like to transfer. One domain name per line.

domain transfer

Finished adding domain names? Click on ‘Check Availability’.

3. Status

After the search is complete, you will see a summary of the ones that you can transfer. Tick what you want to transfer and click on 'Add to Cart'.    

transfer status

4. Services

In this step you will receive a summary of the services that are free with the domain names. Press 'Click to Continue' to proceed with the registration process.    

free services

5. Transfer code and name servers

Input the transfer code required for the domain names that you want to transfer. You can obtain the transfer code from the registry or registrar, dependent on the domain name extension.    
epp code

You can also change the settings of the name servers. It is recommended to choose Belnet name servers.


By clicking on the domain name a menu will appear. There, you can view the records that will be transferred over. That way, you can check which records will be moved over during the transfer of your domain name.    
Do you want to keep using the current name servers or add your own name server? If yes, change the toggle to ‘ON’.

6. Shopping cart

If the transfer code is correct, the transfer of your domain name will be able to proceed. In the shopping cart you will see a summary of the domain names that you are going to transfer.     
The registration costs with VAT are also given.

7. Details

Ensure that the details of the domain holder are correct. If needed, they can be changed before the transfer is fully complete.

For .be domain names, the transfer is immediately processed. For other extensions, for example, generic extensions such as .com and .net, it will take 5 working days before that the transfer is complete.    
Your domain name and mailbox stay active during the transfer process.


How do I choose a domain name?

A domain name is the unique address of your website and can be used as the basis for professional e-mail addresses. Above all, a domain name depicts your online identity. That's why choosing a good domain name is an essential part of your internet strategy.

Your domain name is the first thing that potential visitors see in search engines, as a link on other websites, or on business cards. A visitor sees your domain name before they see your website. A domain name gives an important first impression. A domain name must be appealing, and not only to people. A domain name is also important for search engines.


Which country code extensions should I register?

We offer the most common TLDs such as .be or .com when registering a domain name. Not all the TLDs are visible on our interface, but if you want a specific TLD, you can contact us for pricing and we can enable it on the interface.


Which domain name extensions should you register?

For the domain name, the extension or TLD is .be. There are two types of extensions, country code extensions and generic extensions.


TLDs or extensions?

Every country has its own country code extension. It is .be for Belgium, .nl for the Netherlands, .fr for France, et cetera. The extension is based on the two-letter ISO country code.

There are also countless generic extensions; most of them have a functional objective. For example, .com stands for commercial websites, .org for non-commercial organizations, etc.


More informations about the service?

You will find more technical information about the service on the interface.


How do I enable the MFA layer to strengthen the security of my authentication processes?

Check out our documentation and demo videos on our Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) FAQ page.





Access to the Domain Name Registration interface

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