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Belnet R&E Federation

Belnet R&E Federation: access to a range of services

The Belnet R&E Federation brings together higher education and research institutions connected to the Belnet network on a common infrastructure to offer students and employees access to online services.

Simplified access to a multitude of online services

Does your organisation want to offer its users a multitude of community R&E services with a single login?  Do you want a reliable framework that respects confidentiality? Do you want to provide access to international services via eduGAIN?

The Belnet R&E Federation brings together all higher education and research institutions on a common infrastructure to offer them a multitude of online services.

Belnet R&E Federation, a single login for many benefits

With a single login you can use the services of other institutions, or other providers as well as Belnet services (among others, FileSender,, or eduGAIN) and become a service provider, in a secure and stable environment.

Using the single login, your students and employees benefit from simple access to the many web applications offered. From your side, your organisation can reach a wider audience.


Simplified registration 

Users only register once with your organisation instead of registering to each service they want access to. 

Exclusive access to FileSender

FileSender is a simple, fast and secure application for sending very large files of up to 200 GB.

Access to eduGAIN

Every member of the Belnet R&E Federation is automatically included in eduGAIN, the transcontinental interfederation project developed by Géant (the pan-European research and education network) to benefit from services offered in other federations around the world. And if you are a Service Provider, you can make your organisation services available to eduGAIN.

Discover all the advantages in video

Fédération graphic design

Access to the university library's electronic resources must be as simple as possible and eduGAIN is a step forward. With a single login, users can have access to all our available resources electronically, whether they log in on or off campus. This saves us a lot of time. We can currently offer more than 65% of our electronic resources through Belnet and eduGAIN. And this number keeps growing.

Peter de Marrez, Team Leader e-Resources and Policy Support, KU Leuven

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