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EOSC Focus

The aim of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to create a new European infrastructure for open data as a means of stimulating interdisciplinary research, thereby boosting science and the economy.

The EOSC Focus project supports the EOSC Partnership in its mission to make open science the new standard and achieve the goals outlined in the collaboration agreement between the European Union and the EOSC Association.

EOSC Focus has a duration of 36 months (start: 1 June 2022) and is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme.

The role of Belnet

Within the consortium, Belnet is working with the other members to improve the availability, accessibility and reuse of data.

EOSC Focus aims to make research results more accessible and facilitate the conversion of scientific results into practical innovations.

Belnet is taking on an active role in the area of stakeholder management and updating the strategic agenda for EOSC ('SRIA'), as well as the coordination of the further technical development of the EOSC. In addition, Belnet will also play an active role in communicating and organising events around EOSC.

Belnet is an integral part of the EOSC ecosystem through the EOSC Focus project and is therefore ideally placed to inform Belgian knowledge institutions about European developments within the EOSC and to guide them in their digital transition to open science.

Mandated organisation

In addition, Belnet was appointed as a mandated organisation for the EOSC Association in late 2020, which helps set policy on research e-infrastructures and budget management.

Through its mandate, Belnet exerts direct influence over the strategic direction of the EOSC Association and represents the interests of all the players in the Belgian research landscape. In addition, Belnet has an important role to play as a Service Provider too.


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