- Admin FAQ

Who can sign up to the service?    
Does my organisation have to be a member of the Belnet R&E Federation to benefit from    
Who can join the Belnet R&E Federation?    
Are there any software and/or hardware requirements for my organisation to join DMPonline or manage it?    
How can I sign up to this service?    
How many users in my organisation can use the service?    
Who do I contact if I encounter a problem?    
How can I cancel the service?


Who can sign up to the service?

The service is available to research and educational organisations in Belgium. If your organisation was already a member of the DMPBelgium consortium and is now a Belnet customer for the service, you can already connect to the platform.


Does my organisation have to be a member of the Belnet R&E Federation to benefit from

If your organisation is a member of the Belnet R&E Federation, you can apply the Single Sign On principle when connecting to It is therefore strongly recommended that your institution is a member of the Belnet R&E Federation to use the platform. However, it is possible to connect via ORCID.


Who can join the Belnet R&E Federation?

Two types of organisations can join the Belnet R&E Federation :

  • Belgian R&E organisations connected to the Belnet network can join as Identity Providers (IdP), but also as Service Providers (SP) if they want to share a website or application with the community.
  • Other organisations that wish to provide a service to the Belgian R&E community can join as Service Providers.



Are there any software and/or hardware requirements for my organisation to join DMPonline or manage it?

There are no software or hardware requirements for the use of DMPonline as the hosting is done by Belnet. Your organisation does have the option to use an institutional login, which would require setting up by your internal IT department using the Belnet R&E Federation. (How can I join the Belnet R&E Federation?). The institutional login is optional, you can log in using ORCID.


How can I sign up to this service?

  1. Contact the Belnet Service Desk at (if you are already a customer, don't forget your acronym). The Service Desk will put you in touch with our Costumer Relation Team.
  2. The Account Manager will ask you to sign a contract. If you agree, you will be asked to send two completed and signed copies of the contract to the following address Belnet, Costumer Relation Team, WTC III, Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30 B-2, 1000 Brussels.
  • If your organisation is already a member of the Belnet R&E Federation, you will be able to log in to the DMPonline platform ( via your unique login.
  • If your organisation is not yet a member of the Federation, the Account Manager will tell you how to proceed.


How many users in my organisation can use the service?

If you are the Admin of the service on behalf of your institution, you have the right to allocate access to all researchers in your institution.


Who do I contact if I encounter a problem?

Contact our Belnet Service Desk.


How can I cancel the service?

Both parties can terminate the agreement at any time by giving at least three months' notice to the other party by registered mail. The notice period starts on the first day of the month following the month in which the registered letter is sent.

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