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Digital Certificates Service - Admin FAQ

General administrative questions:

How can I get the service?  
Who can subscribe to the service?  
What processing of personal data is carried out for this service?  
Who can I contact in case of problems?  
How do I cancel the service?


How can I get the service?

  • Contact our Belnet Service Desk (Don’t forget your acronym).
  • Send 2 completed and signed copies of the DCS agreement to Belnet Customer Relations Team at WTC III - Boulevard Simon Bolivar, 30 - B2 - 1000 Brussels.


Who can subscribe to the service?

To be able to obtain the DCS service, your organization should meet all of the following requirements:

  • Your organization must be a Belnet customer.
  • You need to be a local user of the organization who is able to manage servers within its organization’s IT infrastructure.
  • The certificate signing requests (CSR) must be exclusively approved by the customer’s local administrator.
  • You must comply with the policy rules established by GÉANT TCS (Trusted Certificate Service) as well as those established by Belnet (including Belnet’s acceptable use policy).


What processing of personal data is carried out for this service?

You can view the details of our Policy for the processing of personal data in connection with Digital Certificates Service on this page.


Who can I contact in case of problems?

Contact the Belnet Service Desk. 


How do I cancel the service?

  • At the end of this one-year period, both PARTIES may terminate the agreement at any time, subject to a period of notice of three months minimum after notification by registered letter.
  • This termination will take effect on 1 January of the year following the delivery of the notice in the current calendar year.

Please refer to our policy on the processing of personal data for Digital Certificates Service

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