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Belnet guestroam is now even easier to manage

Marc Gérard

Content Developer @ Belnet

Facilitate the reception of your visitors thanks to Belnet guestroam. Our technical team has recently improved this roaming service by optimising the management of your departments/visitors and enabling simplified and faster usage by your validators.

Do you want to offer a secure and wireless temporary connection to visitors of your public administrative offices or your higher education institutions and research centres? Then Belnet guestoam is the solution for you! We recently improved the quality of this roaming service to offer you a better experience with the tool. In particular, the platform allowing you to manage your departments, validators and guests has been redesigned and simplified. Here is a reminder of the improvements made:

Greater autonomy in the management of your 'departments'

  1. Create a self-approved department/event. Requests for this department will no longer need to be approved by a validator.
  2. Add messages associated with the department/event. This message will be seen by all guests when the accreditations are sent.
  3. Limit the validity of the accreditation to a certain number of days.

Easier management for the validator

  1. Disable notifications for a specific validator whenever you want. This change was requested for those institutes that have a primary validator and several backup validators. The latter will no longer receive notifications (even those for new applications).
  2. No need to create a validator per department. Instead, you can associate a validator directly with a service.
  3. The complete request information is provided in the notification email from the validator.

More efficient control of and information on your 'guests'

  1. Extend the validity of the accreditation for a guest or a group of guests.
  2. Guests are notified via email 48 hours before their account expires.
  3. After the expiry date, the guest's account remains in the system for a maximum of one month so that its validity can be extended.

Guest application form

  1. The contact person is now a mandatory field.

Would you like to give visitors to your institution temporary access to your wireless network? 

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