Infosession : Belnet Cloud Connect

Info session


Tue, 22/01/2019 - 09:30
Belnet - Avenue Louise, 231 - 1050 Brussels

Belnet invites you to participate in an information session before the launch of its 2 new Belnet Cloud Connect services: Long Term Preservation and MS Azure. Depending on your interest, you can choose to participate in the morning, afternoon or full day.


Welcome & breakfast

Belnet Cloud Connect - Long Term Preservation : presentation of the service

Nicolas Loriau, Belnet

Belnet Cloud Connect - Long Term Preservation : demo

Eric Danon, Belspo

Coffee Break

Belnet Cloud Connect - Long Term Preservation : customer testimonial

Olivier Rasson, IASB

Belnet Cloud Connect - Long Term Preservation : question and answer session


Belnet Cloud Connect - MS Azure : presentation of the service

Nicolas Kharkevitch & Stefan Gulinck, Belnet

Coffee break

Belnet Cloud Connect - MS Azure : customer testimonial

François Baeckelmans, FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister

Belnet Cloud Connect - MS Azure : question and answer session



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