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Belnet introduces community membership for R&E institutions

Lagneau Laetitia

Team Manager Marketing and Communication @ Belnet

From 1 January 2023, all institutions whose main activity is higher education and/or research will automatically become members of the Belnet R&E community.

This new way of working with our R&E community is the result of a process of reflection that we have been carrying out for almost two years as part of a wider transformation of Belnet.

Indeed, on the eve of our 30th anniversary, we want to reaffirm our raison d'être: we are the national research and education network. As a NREN, our mission is to give those who educate the tools to train new generations and to give researchers the tools to meet the scientific challenges of the future.

How will the community membership work?

As a member of the R&E community, the institutions concerned will have access to the Belnet network and will receive all the necessary tools to support and carry out their research and teaching activities. The only thing left to do is to choose the connectivity capacity to access the network.

In concrete terms, a fixed fee will suffice to become a member of the Belnet R&E community and gain access to a large number of services directly included in the membership.

Would you like to know more about the practical application of community membership?

We have a Q&A available to answer all your questions

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