OCRE 2024 Tender now published

Marc Gérard

Content Developer @ Belnet

The tender aimed at establishing a broad and diversified portfolio of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings was published on 21 March.

As we previously announced, the OCRE 2020 framework agreement will be replaced on 1 December 2024 (but may be extended by at least one year, or more, depending on the supplier/partner) by a new 'OCRE 2024' framework agreement. 

Since 2016, and for its third iteration, this framework agreement proposed by GÉANT enables all member organisations of the R&E community, but also federal and public organisations, connected to Belnet, to benefit from numerous advantages in the acquisition of commercial cloud services thanks to the commitment of the European NREN community of which Belnet is a part. 

An accelerator for the development of innovation in our communities

In addition to attractive prices with supplier discounts, OCRE takes much of the work out of procurement, offering you ready-to-use solutions that comply with European and national legislation. This is no mean feat in the context of digital transformation, and it gives an undeniable boost to the innovative potential of our communities.

As a central purchasing body, GÉANT has aggregated the needs of and demand from the pan-European research and education community through a public procurement procedure to select appropriate commercial cloud service providers.

The tender is divided into 39 lots (one per country), which in turn are divided into sub-lots for different types of platforms. You can find the announcement with the tender documents here.

The tender period is expected to last three months, followed by an evaluation period until 1 December 2024.


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