Belnet is changing its contact procedure. Visit our dedicated web page for more information.

What is eduGAIN?

Every member of the Belnet R&E Federation is automatically included in eduGAIN, the transcontinental interfederation project developed by Géant (the pan-European R&E network) to benefit from services offered by other federations around the world. If you are a service provider, you can also make your organization services available to eduGAIN.

eduGAIN interconnects identity federations around the world, simplifying access to content, services and resources for the global research and education community.    

eduGAIN enables the trustworthy exchange of information related to identity, authentication and authorization (AAI) by coordinating elements of the federations’ technical infrastructure and providing a policy framework that controls this information exchange.

You can have a look to the list of eduGAIN participants on the eduGAIN website here.

Admin FAQ:

What are the benefits of being part of eduGAIN? 
Are IdP/SPs automatically integrated into eduGAIN?    
What are the costs? 

Technical FAQ

How to join?

What do I technically need to do to join eduGAIN?    
How do I join eduGAIN?    
How can I join eduGAIN as an IdP?    
How do I join eduGAIN as an SP?

Usefuls links

Need more technical information and useful links? 
How do I enable the MFA layer to strengthen the security of my authentication processes?


What are the benefits of being part of eduGAIN?

The connected federations bring benefits to their members IdPs and SPs. SPs can in turn be potentially interesting services for everyone.


Are the IdP/SPs automatically integrated into eduGAIN?

No. An explicit demand needs to be introduced to Belnet. See the eduGAIN structure diagram.


What are the costs?

Nothing! The service is free of charge for all members.


What do I technically need to do to join eduGAIN?

Mostly, you will need to add some information to your Shibboleth configuation's files. 


How do I join eduGAIN?

Metadata registration practice statement	
Federation name: Belnet Federation
Federation operator: Belnet, Belgium
Federation web page:
Date of last change: 27 March 2012
Common practices
The IdPs are Belnet's customers from R&E community,
excluding a administrations and ministries of all levels.
The SP are any companies that offers a service or content that fulfils the
needs of Belnet's R&E community members, respecting the defined policy.
All IdP and SP's administrators connect via https and authenticate
via Belnet Customer's AAI system with regard to the Belnet Federation's metadata manager [1], 
where the original information gets checked and stored in the metadata 
manager's database.  It is later used for generating the Belnet federation's 
In addition, before the federation operator publishes metadata dedicated to
interfederation, an institution has first to declare that its
processes are ready for interfederation. Only then will, its IdP and SP
administrators be able to declare that their respective entity is
also technically ready to participate in interfederation.
IdP registration practices
An IdP registering with the federation needs to be manually approved by a team 
member of the federation operator.
Such approval requires:
- a completed membership service agreement signed by an official 
  representative(s) of the newly participating institution;
- elements and attributes to be registered using use a domain name of 
  that institution.
The administrators appointed specifically by that institution will receive
access to the metadata manager service where they can upload the metadata
of the their IdP.
After approval, the federation operator publishes and maintains the 
federation's metadata.
Subsequent changes to these elements and attributes do not require
re-approval by the federation operator. Only, administrators appointed
specifically by that institution can modify the IdP specific information.
For interfederation, the entity must ask the federation operator to publish it 
for participation in eduGAIN.
SP registration practices
Each SP must be manually approved by a team member of the federation operator
 in order to be registered with the federation.
Such approval requires:
- a completed membership service agreement signed by an official 
  representative(s) of the newly participating service provider;
- elements and attributes to be registered using a domain name of 
  that SP.
The administrators appointed specifically by that SP will then receive
access to the Metadata Manager service where they can upload the metadata
of the their SP.
After approval, the federation operator publishes and maintains the 
federation's metadata.
Subsequent changes to these elements and attributes do not require
re-approval by the federation operator. Only, administrators appointed
specifically appointed by that SP can modify the SP specific information.
For interfederation, the entity must ask the federation operator to publish it 
for participation in eduGAIN.
Practices regarding metadata modifications
In the Belnet Federation, no metadata are modified because the federation operator
generates them on behalf of all entities acquired through the metadata manager 
The source for generating federation metadata is the metadata manager database. 
The details of a registering entity are entered by each IdP/SP administrator 
providing the necessary metadata. A wizard will parse provided 
entity metadata to check the SAML2 syntax and the required content.
The IdP/SP administrator also has to supply non-technical information such as 
descriptions or support contacts. All technical and non-technical information 
is stored on a customer database. This information will be used to generates
the access credentials for the metadata manager system.


How can I join eduGAIN as an IdP (identity provider)?

In order to join the eduGAIN Federation:

1) Contact our Belnet Service Desk via (don’t forget your acronym if you are already a customer). The Service Desk will put you in contact with our Customer Relations Team. The account manager will ask you to complete, sign and return the agreement to us. 

2) You need to modify your Shibboleth IdP configuration.

2.1) In [shibboleth directory]/conf/relying-party.xml :

you need to accept to receive metadata from eduGAIN service; thus following lines like the example below need to be added:

<metadata:MetadataProvider id="ShibbolethMetadata"  xsi:type="metadata:ChainingMetadataProvider"  xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:metadata">
         <!-- *******  eduGAIN Federation ******* -->
         <metadata:MetadataProvider id="URLMD4" xsi:type="metadata:FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider"
                                    backingFile="/opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/" >
           <!-- Using chaining filter to allow us multiple filters to be added -->
            <metadata:MetadataFilter xsi:type="ChainingFilter" xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:metadata">
             <!-- Ensure the metadata has a reasonable (1 week) validity period. -->
             <!--  <metadata:MetadataFilter xsi:type="RequiredValidUntil" xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:metadata"
                             maxValidityInterval="P9D" /> -->
                 Ensure metadata is signed and use the 'shibboleth.MetadataTrustEngine'
                 to determine its trustworthiness
               <metadata:MetadataFilter xsi:type="SignatureValidation" xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:metadata"
                             requireSignedMetadata="true" />

A bit further in the file, following lines need to be included in order to verify the validity of the signature of the eduGAIN data :

     <!-- Trust engine used to evaluate the signature on loaded metadata. -->
     <security:TrustEngine id="eduGAIN.MetadataTrustEngine" xsi:type="security:StaticExplicitKeySignature">
         <security:Credential id="eduGAINCredentials" xsi:type="security:X509Filesystem">

2.2) You need to download the certificate used to sign the eduGAIN's metadata:

Links is eduGAIN signing certificate to validate metadata'signature

Install it in [shibboleth directory]/credentials/ as specified in your relying-party.xml configuration.

3) in order to be fully compliant with eduGAIN requirements, you need to modify the metadata of your IdP to include following sections (to be added in the <EntityDescriptor> section :

   Right after the <EntityDescriptor> part, the following part needs to be included:
            <mdrpi:RegistrationInfo registrationAuthority="" registrationInstant="2012-03-27T12:00:00Z">
              <mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy xml:lang="en"></mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy>
   In the <IDPSSODescriptor> part, the following needs to be present:
            <shibmd:Scope regexp="false" xmlns:shibmd="urn:mace:shibboleth:metadata:1.0">[YOUR DOMAIN]</shibmd:Scope>
             <mdui:UIInfo xmlns:mdui="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:ui">
                <mdui:DisplayName xml:lang="en">[YOUR INSTITUTION]</mdui:DisplayName>
                <mdui:Description xml:lang="en">[SMALL DESCRIPTION OF YOUR INSTITUTION]</mdui:Description>
                <mdui:Logo height="16" width="16">https://anyurlwithyourlogoaccessible/yoursmalllogo.png</mdui:Logo>
                <mdui:Logo height="75" width="153">https://anyurlwithyourlogoaccessible/yourbiglogo.png</mdui:Logo>
                                <mdui:DiscoHints xmlns:mdui="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:ui">
                                        <mdui:IPHint>[the IPv4 range you are using 193.190.x.y/mm</mdui:IPHint>
                                        <mdui:IPHint>2001:6a8:[your  IPV6 range]::/64</mdui:IPHint>
                                        <mdui:DomainHint>[YOUR DOMAIN]</mdui:DomainHint>
                                        <mdui:GeolocationHint>[YOUR GEO COORDINATES in format like geo:50.825312,4.365471]</mdui:GeolocationHint>

The mdui: Logo is not mandatory, but it is appealing when displayed in the discovery service of eduGAIN, alongside the logo of your institution (this discovery service is called discojuice).    

But watch out : in previous versions, we were asked to put a base64 embedded logo in the <mdui:Logo> tags, but the size of the aggregated metadata has since become larger and larger. Now the logos must be provided as an HTTPS URL; there are also some recommendations about maximum sizes (see for more information).

4) When we have received your letter, we will publish your metadata on the Belnet's eduGAIN list of metadata which will be integrated with the global eduGAIN metadata.


How do I join eduGAIN as an SP (service provider)?

In order to join the eduGAIN Federation, contact our Belnet Service Desk via (don’t forget your acronym if you are already a customer). The Service Desk will put you in contact with our Customer Relations Team.    

The account manager will ask you to complete, sign and return the agreement.     

When received, we will publish your metadata in Belnet's eduGAIN list of metadata which will be integrated with the global eduGAIN metadata.


Need more technical information and useful links?

eduGAIN website    
Metadata XML file - eduGAIN's Belnet participants       
eduGAIN signing certificate to validate metadata'signature


How do I enable the MFA layer to strengthen the security of my authentication processes?

Check out our documentation and demo videos on our Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) FAQ page.




Find the different participating entities using the tool developed by GÉANT

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