Belnet is changing its contact procedure. Visit our dedicated web page for more information.

How can i get this service?
Who can subscribe to the service?
R&E category: what kinds of organization can get the service?
Administration category: what kinds of organization can get the service?
What processing of personal data is carried out for this service?
Who can I contact in case of problem?
How do I cancel the service?
How is invoicing done?
If I want redundancy, what is the impact on my bill?

How can I get this service?

  1. Contact our Belnet Service Desk via (don’t forget your acronym if you are already a customer). The Service Desk will put you in contact with our Customer Relations Team.
  2. The Account Manager will listen to your demands and propose you a meeting if necessary.
  3. During the meeting, the Account Manager defines the client’s requests and technical specificities. If you need more technical information’s, the Account Manager will propose a meeting with a Technical Advisor. If you opt for a Belnet Leased Line, you will have to sign a purchase order. For more information, please visit our Belnet Leased Line section.
  4. The Account Manager will ask you to sign an agreement. If you agree, you will have to send 2 completed and signed copies of the agreement to: Belnet Customer Relations Team, WTC III, Boulevard Simon Bolivar, 30 B-2, 1000 Brussels.
  5. After receipt of your signed documents, Belnet will start implementing the service.
  6. The Customer Relations Team will return a counter-signed agreement.

Who can subscribe to the service?

Research and education (R&E) and Admin organizations can subscribe to the service.

R&E category: what kinds of organization can get the service?

This includes government-recognized organizations that allocate 80% of their total organisational resources to:

  • organizing subsidized (higher) education
  • supporting and/or coordinating government-recognized subsidized (higher) education
  • scientific and/or technological research
  • supporting and/or coordinating scientific research
  • disseminating scientific and/or cultural knowledge
  • developing and testing new networking technologies

Regarding your financing, at least 80% of the organization’s funds must come from government subsidies, allocations and/or income from donations. Exceptions (e.g., hospitals) may only be made on request.

Administration category: what kinds of organization can get the service?

Public administrations or government departments at the federal, regional, provincial, local and/or international level.

About your financing, at least 80% of the organisation’s funds are from government subsidies, allocations and/or income from services provided to other government departments, or purely (non-profit) public services.

What processing of personal data is carried out for this service?

You can view the details of our Policy for the processing of personal data in connection with Internet Connectivity on this page.

Who can I contact in case of problem?

You can contact our Belnet Service Desk via email or by phone on 02 790 33 00. You will be followed-up by the account manager who will transfer you to an expert if necessary.

How do I cancel the service?

Once the agreement is signed, you are committed to four years. At the end of the contract, it is possible to cancel the service during a latency period of 2 X 6 months. We advise you to contact your Account Manager after the end of this contract.

How is invoicing done?

  • An invoice will be sent to you in the first quarter of each new calendar year. We shall apply the new tariff automatically.
  • In the case of a new connection or when a change is made to the service during the year: an additional pro rata invoice will be issued for the remaining days of the calendar year. The amounts already invoiced for the current calendar year shall of course be deducted.
  • Belnet starded applying VAT to all its paying services with effect from 01 July 2007. Belnet’s VAT number is BE 875.396.690.

If I want redundancy, what is the impact on my bill?

Regarding the billing, we separate the physical connection from the delivered internet connection so, in the case of redundancy, 2 physical connections are invoiced, but only one Internet connection.


Please refer to our policy on the processing of personal data for Internet Connectivity

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