Belnet Networking Conference 2017



Thu, 12/10/2017 - 09:00
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel Brussels - Rue du Fossé aux Loups, 47 - 1000 Brussels

The Belnet Networking Conference (BNC) has been the annual event for all users of our network since 2003. This year, we will welcome you on Thursday 12 October at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel Brussels for an exciting day of conference. The BNC is also an excellent opportunity to share experiences with other colleagues in the education, research or public sector sectors.


You can register until Monday, October 9 at 4pm. The participation fee is EUR 45 for customers and users of the Belnet network and EUR 120 for other participants. Students in the IT sector who wish to participate in the conference can register via their teacher. He will have to send an email to with the names of the students (3 to 5 maximum per institution).


Welcome breakfast

Welcome to BNC 2017

Jan Torreele, Belnet

Belnet’s continuous journey towards a more customer-oriented organization

Dirk Haex, Belnet

The two AI: Conscious and Unconscious

Hugues Bersini, ULB

Coffee break

Computational Privacy: Using Data while Protecting Privacy in the Digital Era

Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Imperial College London

The Latest Trends in Cyber Security

James Lyne, Sophos / SANS Institute


Parallel sessions

After the lunch you will have the opportunity to participate to one of our parallel sessions. When registering, we will ask you to choose between one of these three sessions:

Session A: GDPR @Belnet

Valérie Castille

Accountability is the new paradigm and runs like a backbone through the GDPR –regulation. The GDPR impacts the entire organization and is thus not an legal-only project for compliancy. The involvement from all departments concerned is essential for obtaining a clear understanding of the “as is” of the processing of personal data within on organization. Presentation and explanation of our approach.

Session B: Services @Belnet - update

Nicolas Loriau

Belnet's network and our services have evolved strongly over the years. As a research and educational network we strive to anticipate your needs and the changing IT landscape as best we can. We gladly give you an overview of our newest services at the BNC.

Session C: Security by Belnet, @Belnet and with Belnet

Elke Dierckens & Cyrille Bollu

In this session we will look back briefly on the results and action points of our SecaaS study in 2016. We will inform on how we can help you as a customer to increase awareness around cyber security in your organization. We will explain why Belnet is setting up an Information Security Management system and how the implementation is proceeding. Finally, we will go deeper into the various collaborations in the field of security, both nationally and internationally.

DDoS Mitigation Service @ Belnet and Case Study of Ministry of Finance

Julien Dandoy, FOD Financiën & Grégory Degueldre, Belnet

Coffee break

The implementation of govroam in the interfederal satellite offices

Jan Mathu, Buildings Agency & Nicolas Loriau, Belnet

DMPbelgium consortium launches online tool for data management

Dries Moreels, UGent

Results of the contest

Frédéric Libotte, Belnet

Networking Drink

End of conference



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