Reminder: browse the complete offer of the OCRE Cloud Framework & Catalogue project

Marc Gérard

Content Developer @ Belnet

Thanks to the launch of the OCRE Cloud Framework & Catalogue project, GÉANT is favouring the research sector in Europe by facilitating access to a large selection of commercial Cloud services. The complete offer has been available since 29 January.

The OCRE project (Open Clouds for Research Environments) coordinated by GÉANT has just announced the awarding of 473 OCRE IaaS + framework agreements. At the national level, this news is an undeniable boost for all organizations connected to Belnet (R&E but also public services and federal institutions) because they can now benefit from simplified and secure access to a large choice of commercial cloud platforms and services.

Thanks to the use of new funding solutions, it allows research institutions to easily take advantage of personalised digital solutions and benefit from reductions on large volumes. In short, a very advantageous project that we are happy to make available to our community.

Browse the complete catalogue for Belgium from 29 January

With the catalogue we offer, you have access to more detailed information for each platform available in Belgium.

The complete offer for Belgium currently includes Bechtle (Azure and Ionos), SoftwareONE (IBM), Sparkle (GCP), Rackspace (AWS), Safespring, CloudSigma, CloudFerro, T-Systems (Open Telecom Cloud), Setcor, Quistor (Oracle), Orange (Business Services) and VSHN (Exoscale). We invite you to browse the catalog now.

A first webinar is organized on 11 March

In order to better inform you about the multiple possibilities offered by the OCRE Cloud Framework & Catalogue project, we will organize a webinar on 11 March.

The program for this webinar includes a general presentation of the project, as well as a more detailed presentation of Microsoft products, one of the brands in the catalog.

Would you like to participate in this webinar or have more information about this event?

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