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Results of the investigation into the creation or modification of security services

Lagneau Laetitia

Team Manager Marketing and Communication @ Belnet

Last June, we conducted a survey of our community in order to know their opinion on the modification and / or creation of certain security services and more particularly the Belnet DDoS Mitigation service and the potential future DNS filtering and eduVPN services.

65 respondents completed the survey representing 62 different organisations.

We would like to thank the many participants whose contribution allowed us to set up an action plan which we will detail below.

Main results

Among the responding organisations, 49 have a security manager but only 18 have a specific department dedicated to security. The budget allocated to security is less than 10,000 € for 14 institutions, 18 have a budget between 10,000 and 50,000 € and 14 organisations devote more than 50,000 € annually to security. For the remaining institutions, the respondent did not have this information.

Regarding questions relating to DDoS, 44 respondents state that their organisation does not yet have an anti-DDos protection service, while 21 already use such a service. Among them, 10 use the Belnet service. 38 respondents say they know our Belnet DDoS Mitigation service while 27 have not yet heard of it (Editor's note: other people within the organisation may be aware of the service's existence). Among the respondents, 10 represent an organisation that is already a customer of the service and 6 of them would like to add a monitoring and management interface to the functionalities of the service.

Approximately 50% of respondents say they already use a DNS filtering service from a provider offering either free solutions (10 respondents) or paid solutions (21 respondents).

A large majority of respondents say they use a paid VPN solution (47 respondents) and only 4 respondents say they do not have one.

To conclude, 38 respondents said they prefer to opt for shared security solutions, which are cheaper but less adaptable to each situation, while 25 prefer dedicated solutions that are more expensive but can be personalised. Respondents also had the opportunity to tell us about their security service needs.

Action plan

On the basis of these results, an action plan has been drawn up with the Belnet departments concerned. This will include, among other things, contacting customers who have requested more information on the Belnet DDoS Mitigation service and studying the additional functionalities requested by existing customers, as well as analysing customer requests and questions concerning the other targeted services through the survey as well as the needs expressed in the question relating to security service needs.

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