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2021 Review: Focus on security

Marc Gérard

Content Developer @ Belnet

As we come to the end of the year, it's time for our editorial team to take stock of 2021; a year, once again, rich in a wide variety of topics and articles. This summary will give you an overview, in chronological order, of the most read and clicked articles in our newsletter.

2021 has followed on from 2020 in terms of articles published. Across all the 10 newsletters sent out, our editorial team published 67 articles (including those from December). Let's take a look at the articles that caught your attention in chronological order.

January kicked off a year focused on security services

In January, we announced the launch of Belnet Intelligent DNS and the new Belnet Threat Intelligence service. These two tools allow you to combat any type of threat even more effectively and proactively. The issue of security was well represented in 2021 and will be even more so in 2022 so as to meet your requirements. For more information on these two services launched on 1 February, click this link.

February: the ULB podcast service, an example of co-creation

In February, one subject stood out. In the context of the coronavirus crisis, the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) called on Belnet's expertise to host its podcast service "EZCast". This article describes this successful collaboration with Michel Jansens and Fatima El Fakih of the SISC (Shared ICT Services Center of the ULB-VUB). This example of a co-creation project is described with great enthusiasm on this link.

March: a five-year partnership with Dynniq and Infradata

At the end of a public procurement procedure that lasted nearly 14 months, we were proud to present our two new partners: Dynniq and Infradata. They were selected to maintain and deliver our network's optical and IP material and equipment for the next five years. Discover all the details of this new framework agreement available since 1 April here.

April: how to guarantee maximum availability of your connectivity?

In April, we asked our Technical Advisor Nicolas Kharkevitch to give you the best advice on how to ensure maximum availability of your connectivity. Check out all his great tips in the most clicked article in our April newsletter.

May: the Erasmus+ application uses authentication via eduGAIN

In May, many of you read our article on the digitalisation of the Erasmus+ project. This article reflected on the role of GÉANT and the importance of being a member of the Belnet R&E Federation in order to benefit from authentication via eduGAIN. Digitalisation that promotes the mobility of your students and facilitates their administrative management. Click this link to discover this article.

June: reduce the risk of cybercrime with MFA

With the summer holidays just around the corner, the topic of multi-factor authentication was a big hit. The introduction of MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for all services that use the Belnet Personal Login is the key to a solid identity and access management (IAM) policy. Rediscover this topic using this link.

September: DDoS Dashboard and Reporting

In September, the DDoS Mitigation service added a new monitoring and reporting feature to provide a better overview of attacks as they occur. Using the DDoS Dashboard and Reporting, you can monitor the status of your network in near real time and take appropriate measures to counter potential DDoS attacks. Our article gives more details on the benefits of this innovation which you can rediscover using this link.

October: remember to patch your vulnerable IP addresses

This month further highlighted a security service that had already been in the spotlight in January, reminding you of the importance of properly patching all vulnerabilities detected by Belnet Threat Intelligence. To rediscover the advantages and functionalities of this free service for all the organisations connected to our network, visit this link.

November: a manual to make the Identity Federation more accessible to the academic community

One of our editorial objectives was to give you a voice through numerous testimonials, use cases and interviews. In November, the interview presenting the manual written by Steve Colin (Coordinator of the eServices Unit of the Digital Campus of the Haute École Condorcet) grabbed your immediate attention. It testifies to a real momentum based on the notion of sharing which drives the academic community. Rediscover Steve Colin's interview using this link.

And for 2022?

In this 2021 review, security has been a recurring theme and is more important than ever for our communities. Aware of this demand, our editorial team will work even more closely with our security experts to provide you with advice, experiences and news on the subject every month.

Finally, we would like to thank even more of you for subscribing to our newsletter and for your loyalty in 2021. It is time for us to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2022.

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