10% more access requests
As is customary, the use of our service eduroam increases vastly at the start of the new academic year. In the first week of the new academic year (23-29 September), Belnet registered 6,439,390 eduroam access requests. This is an increase of just under 10% compared to the same period last year.
Most registrations were registered at KULeuven and UGent, followed by UCLouvain and UCLL. The peak day during the first week of the new academic year was Wednesday 25 September, with a total of 1,280,853 access requests.

1 in 10 is an international user
Higher education is becoming increasingly international. This becomes evident when looking at the figures of eduroam users in Belgium. Last year (September 2018 - September 2019), international users represented slightly more than 10% of the total number of eduroam connections in Belgium.
Most international users come from the Netherlands or Spain. The rest of the top 5 is completed by students and researchers from the UK, Germany and Italy.
More than 200 eduroam hotspots in Belgium
eduroam is a worldwide success and this is no different in Belgium either: 70 organisations connected to the Belnet network utilise this Wi-Fi roaming service. The service is available at 210 locations in Belgium. With more and more connected devices per user and an increasing number of students in higher education, the success of eduroam continues to grow year after year.
Belnet has participated in the European eduroam initiative since 2006. Thanks to eduroam, students and researchers have easy and secure access to the wireless network of their own organisation and that of other participating organisations.
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