Remote working: additional support for the R&E community

Lagneau Laetitia

Team Manager Marketing and Communication @ Belnet

Whether for online courses or collaboration between researchers, research and educational institutions need effective solutions. Cloud solution providers active under the GÉANT Cloud Solutions contract are taking initiatives to support the implementation of this type of online work solutions.

Temporary offers for the GÉANT community

Google offers free access to the advanced features of Hangouts Meet and Google Classroom until July 1, 2020. 

Microsoft Team Classroom bundles and a free solution for Amazon's Kaltura Virtual Classrom are also available.

Here you will find an overview of the temporary offers (free or paid) offered by Google, Amazon and Microsoft for the R&E community during this COVID-19 crisis.

Belnet provides a basic videoconferencing tool

Our teams have also set up a videoconferencing platform that your institution can use freely to facilitate remote communication.

To access it, simply type the URL in your bowser and send a link to the participants of the videoconference. No registration is required and an account should not be created.

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