
15 Dec. 2020

How coronavirus has transformed the way we work at Belnet

Coronavirus has radically changed the way we work and collaborate with colleagues. As the year draws to a close and teleworking has become a fact of life, we would like to show you how Belnet has been able to adapt over the last few months to meet its many challenges and guarantee maximum service continuity despite the pandemic and the many safety measures.
25 Nov. 2020

Belnet completes redesign of its network

As 2020 draws to a close, the final steps will be taken in the redesign of the Belnet network. With this ambitious project, we have succeeded in significantly improving the stability, redundancy and performance of our network. The focus of the final stage has been on increasing and redistributing external capacity. And as for the future, it is definitely set to bring both investments and improvements in the long term.
20 Apr. 2020

"Internal communication and awareness-raising are crucial in the implementation of business continuity management"

The global health crisis has meant that companies and organisations have had to drastically change their way of working in a short time. For many, this has (once again) put business continuity management on the agenda. How can you, as an organisation, prepare yourself as well as possible for the unexpected? And what are the points for attention? We spoke with Jean-Christophe Real, BCM Manager at Belnet.
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